Living Stories

VOICES, Inc., Tucson, AZ
April 2007 – May 2009
In 2007, writer Kimi Eisele and I conducted two VOICES ( workshops during which community members explored the themes of aliveness, happiness and loss through photography, writing and movement. Through presentations and interactive exercises participants explored how these themes have played out in their lives.

In May 2008, we facilitated two more workshops as part of a new initiative called Downtown Geographical Expeditions. Participants used writing, photography, mental maps, and guerilla street art to re-imagine downtown Tucson. You can learn more about these workshops at In February 2009, Kimi and I worked with a group of teenagers, who interviewed and photographed Tucsonans about their “love stories”connected to downtown Tucson. Interview excerpts and portraits were turned into posters and installed in window spaces downtown.